duminică, 11 iulie 2010

Monster - anime review

I heard of this anime accidentally, watching a Monster AMV on youtube. It seemed too bloody for me, as I don't like violence. However, a few weeks later I decided to give it a try, because the name was often mentioned in forum discussions as an anime with good plot and outstanding characters.

I loved it from the very first episode. Some might say that it's slow paced, but I enjoyed every single second of this series; even the episodic characters were well drawn and they make the viewer care for them, even if they appear for a short time. I found myself shedding tears not just once during this superb series, this is how good it is.

The violent scenes are bearable, it's not what they show that it's disturbing, but the things you can guess! For me, one of the most disturbing scenes was when a little kid squashed a butterfly with his foot, after being influenced by Johann; I know, it might seem weird, but you will understand if you watch. The 'nameless monster' story is scary like hell! I always hated watching the ending, because of the images; they're purely creepy.

Tenma is the kinda of guy I would definitely marry: kind, honest, skilled and determined :) Johann, on the other hand, is simply fascinating - the kind of villain you can't stop but admire while trembling with fear at his sight. I kinda think of him as a snake who hypnotizes his victims.


Iwish it had just a little bit more romance, but the characters were too determined to reach their goals, so they had no time for this kinda of things.

The only problem is that after watching this, my interest in anime decreased, because I wasn't able to find something to match up with it.

This is absolutely worth watching. It's anime risen to the level of pure art. You'll be hooked by it, just like me, (I watched all 74 episodes during my examination session, instead of studying, lol), unless you're not matured enough to handle a good psychological story, in which case I suggest you go back to Naruto and stay there.

NINA, Johann's sister, the main female character:

PLOT: The main character is Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a neurosurgeon who works for a prestigious hospital in Germany. One day, after he sees how a woman cried for her man who died because someone else got more priority he decides he wouldn't let anyone pass because lives of people are equal. But his life changes when a pair of twins, boy and girl are brought to the hospital after their parents were brutally murdered. Dr. Tenma was first assigned to operate the boy but when the mayor was also rushed to the hospital, he was instructed by the Director to take charge of the Mayor’s operation. He refused to follow the orders and went on with the boy’s operation. Due to this incident, he was demoted and his girlfriend, Eva Heinemann who was the daughter of the Director broke up with him. Later on, the Director along with two other doctors were mysteriously murdered. This raised Dr. Tenma’s status in the hospital but eventually he became the prime suspect for this murder along with other murders that occurred in the city. His life was completely messed up and an inspector from BKA became obsessed about his case and was out to capture him.
To clear his name and to correct his past mistake, Tenma must get to the bottom of these and other murders, and investigate the truth of the Monster who is behind all of this. And also, it seems that the boy he saved was much more than he seemed.

Animation by Madhouse, music by Kuniaki Haishima, original story by Naoki Urasawa

Monster's OPENING

Both the anime and the manga begin with a passage from The Revelation of St. John the Divine, Chapter 13: Verses 1 & 4
And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads, the names of blasphemy. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"

The quote is often interpreted as the coming of the Antichrist. This quote is used because of the many parallels and comparisons between one of the main characters of Monster (Johan) and two candidates of the Antichrist as predicted by Nostradamus.
(source: Wikipedia)

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